Short Article


Nitrous Oxide Emissions 

As per the Global Nitrous Oxide Budget (1980-2020), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) emissions have been rising constantly between 1980 and 2020.

Key Highlights 

  • Nitrous Oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, emissions have grown by 40% between 1980 and 2020.
  • world’s second-largest source of it which heats the atmosphere far more than carbon dioxide.
  • India was responsible for nearly 11% of the global man-made Nitrous Oxide emissions in 2020, just after China (16.7%).
  • The major sources of Nitrous Oxide emissions: Natural sources: Oceans, inland, water bodies and soil  Nitrogen-based fertilisers, animal manure in agriculture, industry, combustion and others.
  • Top five Nitrous Oxide emitters: China (16.7%), India (10.9%), US (5.7%), Brazil (5.3%) and Russia (4.6%). However, India has the lowest per capita emissions of Nitrous Oxide (0.8 kg/Person) compared to China (1.3), the US (1.7), Brazil (2.5), and Russia (3.3).
  • Currently, no technology exists that can remove Nitrous Oxide (N2O) from the atmosphere.