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Li-Fi Technology 

Recently, the Ministry of Defence (MoD), under the Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) initiative, granted the Li-Fi (light fidelity) Technology to address the Indian Navy’s communication challenges.

Key Highlights
  • It was invented by German physicist and professor Harald Haas.
  • It is a bidirectional fully networked wireless communication technology that uses visible light communication (VLC) systems to transmit data. 
  • Li-Fi leverages Light-emitting Diodes (LEDs) to create a high-speed, secure, and energy-efficient communication channel. 
  • Devices equipped with photodetectors (such as smartphones, laptops, or IoT devices) receive the modulated light signals. 
  • The photodetectors convert the received light into electrical signals, which are then processed as data.

Major Components of LI-Fi
  • LED transmitter
  • Photodiode receiver
  • Controller circuit
  • Software stack
  • High Speed: Li-Fi can achieve data rates of several gigabits per second (Gbps), surpassing traditional Wi-Fi.
  • Security: It does not penetrate walls, making it inherently secure against eavesdropping. 
  • No Interference: Li-Fi does not interfere with radio frequencies used by Wi-Fi or cellular networks. 
  • Energy Efficiency: LEDs are energy-efficient, contributing to overall energy savings. 
Challenges and Considerations
  • Line of Sight: Li-Fi requires a direct line of sight between the transmitter (LED) and receiver (photodetector). 
  • Indoor Use: Li-Fi is ideal for indoor environments, such as offices, hospitals, and smart homes. 
  • Integration: Integrating Li-Fi with existing infrastructure and devices remains a challenge.