Basics of Engineering (For College going student)

The thought process behind Basics of Engineering (A MADE EASY Offering) is to provide B.E./ B. Tech students with quality lectures on basic concepts. Basics of Engineering aims to make students “engineers by profession and not just by degree”. This Course also keeps in mind that along with semester exams it is also important to keep in mind the placements. While some may want to go for core placements, some may want to go for IT placements. Hence Basics of Engineering caters to both by giving core lectures as well as subjects such as Aptitude and certain IT subjects as well to all branches.


Fee Structure:

Basics of Engineering | Online Recorded Course

Course Stream Commencement Date Course Validity Course Duration Language Mode Fee Enroll
Basics of Engineering CE, ME, EE, EC, CS Course is Active  1 Year Approx
200-250 Hrs
Hinglish Recorded

Rs. 6,000+GST
Rs. 5,000+GST

Enroll Now





Course Features

  • Highly advantageous for semester exams.
  • Strengthening basic fundamentals & concept building.
  • Developing strong grip on engineering subjects
  • Very beneficial for campus placements
  • Classes conducted by Senior faculties
  • Regular performance assessment
  • Well-structured curriculum for effective learning

Streams Offered

  • CE, ME, EE, EC, CS

Course Syllabus Details:

Subject Topic
Mathematics Matrix (Linear Algebra), Differential Calculus, Integration, Vector Calculus, Complex Variable, Numerical method.
Engineering Drawing Introduction to IS Code or drawing,  Conics and Engineering,curves-ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, cycloid, trochoid, involute , Projection of lines, traces, true length, projection of planes, Solid objects-cube, Prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere, Isometric project, Isometric scale
Engineering Mechanics Equilibrium , Plane Trusses, Translation, Friction, Circular Motion, Impulse Momentum Equation, Rotation, General Motion.
Reasoning and Aptitude Aptitude :Number System, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Average, Time and work, Speed, Distance and Time, Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, 
Reasoning :Dices and Cubes, Direction Sense, Blood Relationship, Seating Arrangement, Coding Decoding, Series, Puzzles, Clocks and Calendars, Data Interpretation, Set Theory, 

Subject Topic
SOM Simple stress and strain, Shear force and bending moment, Transformation of stress and strain, Slope and deflection, Torsion of shaft, Bending stress.
SOIL MECHANICS AND FOUNDATION ENGG. Physical properties of soil, Capillarity, permeability and seepage,  Compaction and consolidation,  Shear strength of soil,  Foundation engg, Deep foundation
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Statically determinate truss,  Energy Methods, Stiffness method,  Flexibility method, Analysis of cables.
ENVIRONMENTAL ENGG Introduction to basic chemistry,  Water demand, Quality of water,  Quality of Waste water, Water treatment,  Waste water treatment, Air Pollution, Muncipal solid waste management.
RCC Properties of concrete, Limit state design of rectangular, Limit state design.
FLUID MECHANICS Fluid properties, Principles of fluid statics, Fluid dynamics ,  Boundary layer theory,  Laminar and turbulent Flow
HIGHWAY ENGINEERING Geometric design, Traffic engineering, Pavement design.
BUILDING MATERIALS Cement, Concrete, Bricks, Timber.
HYDROLOGY Hydrological cycle, Infiltration, Hydrographs,  Flood routing.
IRRIGATION Introduction-necessity of irrigation-benefits, Water requirement of crops, Methods of irrigation, Gravity dams, Diversion head.
PERT CPM Introduction, Introduction to CPM/PERT, Basic steps and frame work of CPM/PERT.

1. Fundamental concepts: Classification of Survey, Error and corrections, Principal of Surveying 

2. Horizontal Measurements: Chain surveying, Compass Surveying, Traversing

3. Vertical Measurements: theodolite, Measurements of Vertical distances.

Subject Topic
Network Theory Basic circuit law, Theorems (A.C and D.C), Transient circuit Analysis and Steady AC Analysis.
Control System Mathematical Models of physical systems,  Time Response Analysis,  Stability and Algebraic criteria,  Root Locus Technique,Frequency response Analysis,  Frequency response Analysis.
Signal and Systems Introduction to continuous/Discrete time signal/system,  LTI System, Fourier series,  Fourier Transform,  Laplace Transform,  Z- Transform.
Digital Electronics Logic Minimization, Logic Gates, Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Circuits
Analog Electronics Diode circuit analysis, Transistor DC analysis, BJT Amplifiers, MOSFET Amplifiers, Frequency response, Feedback Amplifiers and oscillators, Operational Amplifiers.
Machines DC machines construction, Armature reaction, Performance characteristics of DC generators ,  Performance characteristics of DC motors,  Starting of DC motors,  Speed control of DC motors,  Efficiency and testing of DC machines,  Transformer,  Single phase transformer,  Efficiency and voltage regulation,  testing of transformers,  Auto transformers, parallel operation,  Three phase transformer construction, phasor group, Open delta connection,  Synchronous machine,  Constructional features,  Armature reaction,  O.C and S.C Tests,  Voltage Regulation using synchronous impedance,  MMF,  Poitier’s tringle,  voltage and frequency control,  Parallels operation of synchronous generators synchronizing power and torque coefficient,  Two reaction theory,  Power flow equation,  Operating characteristics,  Synchronous motor starting methods,  V-curves, Hunting and damping,  synchronous condenser, Induction Machine,  Constructional features,  Rotating magnetic fields equivalent circuit torque and power equations Torque-slip characteristics,   No loud and blocked rotor tests, efficiency, Speed control and starting cogging and crawling single phase induction motor.
Power System Power Generation, Performance of transmission lines, Distribution of electric power, Electrical Design, Conductors, Insulators, Corona Effect, Mechanical design of over headlines, Line supports, Cross arms, Sag calculation, Earthing, Overhead line insulators,  Insulated cables, Fault, Stability, Load flow, Power System Protection.
Power Electronics Power electronics switching devices, Uncontrolled and controlled rectifiers, AC-AC Converters.
Meausrements Introduction to measuring instruments, Measurement of power and energy, Potentiometers,  Bridges.
Subject Topic
Industrial Engineering Work and method study ,  Project Management,  Quality Control,  Operation Research,  ERP,  MRP and e-Business.
Power Plant Steam power cycle, Steam turbines, Boilers, Gas power cycle and gas turbines.
RAC Basics of refrigerator and heat pump, Vapor compression refrigeration cycle, Reversed Brayton Cycle.
Thermodynamics Zeroth law and temperature scale,  First law and its analysis,  Second law and entropy,  Exergy, availability and irreversibility, Properties of pure substance.
Production Sand casting and gating design, Special casting processes like die casting, investment casting, etc., Gas welding, gas cutting and types of flames, Arc welding types, Shielded gas arc welding techniques, Brazing, soldering, etc., Types of bulk forming processes like rolling, forging, extrusion, drawing, etc., Types of sheet metal forming processes like blanking, punching, deep drawing, etc., Metal cutting-cutting tool geometry, types of chips, merchant circle, etc., Machining- lathe operations, turning shaping and planing, milling and grinding, drilling, etc, NC, CNC and part programming, Material science -crystallography, phase diagrams, heat treatment, etc., Limits, Fits and Tolerances, FMS and Supply Chain Management.
SOM Simple stress and strain, Shear force and bending moment, Transformation of stress and strain, Slope and deflection, Torsion of shaft, Bending stress.
Heat Transfer Steady State Conduction, Conduction with Heat Generation, Free and Forced Convection,  Radiation.
Fluid Mechanics Fundamental Properties, Fluid Statics, Fluid Kinematics, Bernoulli’s and its Application, Viscous Flow of Incompressible Fluid,  Boundary Layer Theory.
Theory of Machines Analysis of Kinematic Chains and Mechanisms, Velocity Analysis (I-centre Method), Velocity Analysis (Relative Velocity Method), Acceleration Analysis,  Mechanism with Lower Pairs,  Gear and Gear Trains,  Flywheel and Dynamic Analysis of Single Slider-Crank Mechanism, Governors, Balancing,  Gyroscope.

Subject Topic
TOC UNIT 1: Finite Automata, DFA, NFA, NFA to DFA, NFA with E-transition, Minimization of a DFA, Mealy Machine, Moole Machine
Unit 2: Regular Expressions, RE to FA, FA to RE, Closure properties of regular languages, Pumping lemma, Myhill Nerode Theorum
Unit 3: Grammer, Context Free languages, Chomsky Normal Form (CNF), Greibach Normal Form (GNF)
Unit 4: Push Down Automata (PDA), Construction of PDAs, Closure Properties of CFLS
Unit 5: Turing Machine and undecidability
COMPILER DESIGN UNIT 1: Introducton, Basics of Compiler, Language Processing system, Phases of Compiler.
UNIT 2:Lexicol Analysis, Syntax Analysis, Top Down Parsing, LL(1) Parsing, Bottom up Parsing, LR (K) Parsing
UNIT 3: Syntax Directed Translation
UNIT 4: Intermediate Code Generation
UNIT 5: Code Optimization, Code Generation, Run Time Environment
COMPUTER ORGANISATION Computer Arithmetic, Instruction Cycle, Addressing Modes, Interrupt Cycle, IInstruction Pipelining, Cache Memory.
DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS Chapter 1: Introduction: Algorithm, Performance Analysis-Space complexity, Time Asymptotic Notations- Big oh notation, Omega notation, Theta notation oh notation.
Chapter 2: Time and Space Complexity Calculation of simple algorithms. Analysis Recursive Algorithms: Recurrence Equations, Solving Recurrence Equa Iteration Method, Recursion Tree Method, Substitution method and Mas Theorem
Chapter 3: Divide and conquer: General method, applications-Binary search, Quic Merge sort, Strassen's matrix multiplication.
Chapter 4: Elementary Data Structures- tree reorientation, complete binary tree, binary heaps (min heap, max heap), Graph representation.
Greedy method: General method, applications-Job sequencing with dea knapsack problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shorte problem.
Chapter 5: Dynamic Programming: General method, applications- Optimal binary s trees, 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path problem, Traveling person problem, Reliability design.
DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Introduction to File and Database systems- Database system structure, View of Data – Data Abstraction –Instances and Schemas – data Models, Relational Model. ER diagrams – Entities, Attributes and Entity sets – Relationships and Relationship sets – Additional features of ER Model – Concept Design with the ER Model. Relational Algebra – Selection and projection set operations – renaming – Joins – Division – Examples of Algebra overviews – Relational calculus – Tuple relational Calculus – Domain ,Form of Basic SQL Query – Examples of Basic SQL Queries – Introduction to Nested Queries – Correlated Nested Queries Set – Comparison Operators – Aggregative Operators – NULL values – Comparison using Null values – Logical connectivity’s – AND, OR and NOT – Impact on SQL Constructs – Outer Joins Schema refinement – Problems Caused by redundancy – Decompositions – Problem related to decomposition – reasoning about FDS – FIRST, SECOND, THIRD Normal forms – BCNF – Lossless join Decomposition – Dependency preserving Decomposition ,Data on External Storage – File Organization and Indexing – Cluster Indexes, Primary and Secondary Indexes. B-Tree - B+Tree index,Transaction Processing – Introduction- Need for Concurrency control- Desirable properties of Transaction- Schedule and Recoverability- Serializability and Schedules – Concurrency 
COMPUTER NETWORKS Requirements of IP addresses, Subnetting, Supernetting , Assigning Private IP, NAT( static NAT, Dynamic NAT, Port NAT), Classless addressing, Special Ip address, Calculating forwarding table of router, How different questions asked in different competitive Exams about Routing
DIGITAL LOGIC Logic Minimization, Logic Gates, Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Circuits

What is operating systems, Goals of operating systems, Types of operating systems,Batch OS, multi programming, multi tasking, multi processor, real time OS, Process management, What is process, attributes, states, operations , process state diagram, CPU Scheduling , first come first serve, shortest job first , shortest remaining time first , round robin , priority based scheduling preemptive and non preemptive, Memory Management, functionality and goal memory management , RAM CHIP ORGANISATION, contiguous memory management, fixed and variable partition scheme, non contiguous memory management , paging , virtual memory, Files systems, directory structure, disk structure,disk scheduling

Programming and Data Structures Basics of programming, operators , loops , functions, Storage classes, Arrays, structures and unions, Basic Pointers, Introduction to data structures, Linked list, stack, queue, Binary search trees and AVL trees.

Subject Topic
Computer Organization Introduction to components of a computer system, Memory, processor, I/O devices,  Programming basics.
Electronic devices and Circuits Basics of Semiconductor physics, Semiconductor Diode, Special Diodes, BJT, FET (Extra LDD MOSFET, Scaling law of MOS (transistor). 
Network Theory Basic of network analysis,  Theorems,  Transient.
Signals and Systems Basic of Signals, LTI System, Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, Discrete time signal and systems, Z-Transform.
Digital Electronics Boolean Algebra and Reduction, Logic Gates, Sequential Circuits, Registers, Counters.Logic Minimization, Logic Gates, Combinational Logic Circuits, Sequential Circuits
Analog Circuit Diode Circuits, Biasing circuits of BJT and MOSFETs, BJT and MOSFET Amplifiers, Operational Amplifier, Oscillator, Feedback Amplifier.
Analog & Digital Communication Amplitude Modulation, Angle Modulation, Receivers, PCM, DPCM, ASK, PSK, FSK, Sampling, Multiplexing.
Electromagnetic Wave Electrostatic and magneto-statics, Maxwell’s equation, Electromagnetic Wave propagation.
Bhanu Pratap Singh

Bhanu Pratap Singh

AIR-1, CE GATE 2024

The success stories

Topper's talk

I secured AIR 1 in Civil Engineering. I preferred old-school learning like offline classes and used pen and notebook for making notes and adopted the revision strategy after attending the MADE EASY classroom course. I advise aspirants to make short notes, especially to those who are first attempters. 10-15 PYQs of GATE and ESE should be religiously solved to achieve your goal. Silly mistakes could be avoided if test series are solved as it also manages speed and accuracy well while giving the exam.

Rohit Dhondge

Rohit Dhondge

AIR 1, CE, ESE 2024

The success stories

Topper's talk

The biggest advantage of joining MADE EASY was the study culture—preparing alongside like-minded peers, with support from faculty and friends, kept me motivated. Class notes were invaluable for quick revisions, and every subject was given equal importance. MADE EASY's structured preparation played a key role in my AIR-1 success.

Munish Kumar

Munish Kumar

AIR 1, ME, ESE 2024

The success stories

Topper's talk

Self-study, along with MADE EASY's Test Series and Interview Guidance Programme, helped me identify and improve weak areas. Their structured approach and well-designed tests gave me the confidence to excel and achieve AIR-1.

Rajan Kumar

Rajan Kumar

AIR 1, EE, ESE 2024

The success stories

Topper's talk

After B.Tech, I joined MADE EASY's Classroom Course, Test Series, and Interview Guidance Programme. Their structured approach and test practice helped me avoid mistakes and build clarity. I’m grateful to MADE EASY for their support in securing AIR-1.

Himanshu Thapliyal

Himanshu Thapliyal

AIR 1, E&T, ESE 2024

The success stories

Topper's talk

On my teachers' advice, I joined MADE EASY's Offline Course for focused preparation. My biggest strength was enjoying the process, which made studying effortless. Despite being from an ordinary college, MADE EASY's Test Series, discipline, and guidance were key to my AIR-1.


This is a recorded course of 200 – 250 hrs (for each specific branch). Each lecture is to be watched twice by the student. Certain subjects useful in IT placements are also included e.g. Aptitude.

One year from the date of enrolment.

Students studying in years 1,2,3,4 of engineering are eligible for this course.

The course focuses on basic concepts used in engineering for each branch (separate courses). It aims at providing conceptual clarity and will be useful for semester exams and core placements.

The recorded online course will be accessible through Secure browser, MADE EASY Android & IOS Application.

The candidate will get an opportunity to watch the recorded lectures twice.